Larapinta Trail, Northern Territory, Australia

From the Top of Africa, to the Red Centre

Sunrise at the Telegraph Station, Alsie Springs

When I lived and worked in Alice Springs, my wife and I would most evenings head off to the Telegraph Station and hike the trails there. I would also go to the Telegraph Station on my own and many times set off on the first leg of the Larapinta Trail to Simpsons Gap. Having loved living in the Alice, I decided to go back and finally go on with the trail all the way to its end at the top of Mount Sonder, a distance of 234kms.

The start of the Larapinta Trail from the Telegraph Station, Alice Springs

So having booked my trip with World Expeditions, in August 2017, I set off for a 14 day trek through the glorious Red Centre of the Northern Territory. The first two days to Simpson Gap and on to Jay Creek were quite long days at 23 and 24kms respectively. We were lucky with the temperature, most days hovering about 28%C. The previous couple of weeks had been extremely hot. The track was well marked and quite easy to follow and the guides were great as well. How they created the meals they did over a campfire was amazing and very much appreciated.

Setting up camp. The sky was so clear and scenery so beautiful
To Stanley Chasm
Views from walking along the ridges were awesome
Just awesome

The scenery was spectacular as we moved along the track climbing onto the top side of a ridge before crossing over to the other side. Evenings around the campfire were great and then early nights in your swag, looking at the clearest night sky you will ever see. Swimming, or bathing in some of the waterholes we camped at was challenging, as the water was so cold it certainly took your breath away.

A waterhole to literally take your breathe away
No glamping here ! Lying in my swag after a campfire meal, was great. The sky is so clear out there and the stars so bright.
Looking through to Mount Sonder in the distance
Finding water at any time in the Red Centre is always a bonus. This spot was just beautiful
Getting closer to Mount Sonder

We started the climb of Mount Sonder at about 3am and summited to watch the sunrise over the Red Centre, a spectacular view. It was really cold at that time of night, but soon warmed up on the way down. A great way to end what for me was a fantastic trek.

Sunrise from the top of Mount Sonder over the Red Centre, spectacular !
On the top of Mount Sonder, was cold, but beautiful. Great views and a great way to end a spectular trek.
As we did the trek to the top of Mount Sonder in pitch black using head torches, here is a view of the track on the way down.

As previously commented, I booked through World Expeditions and I cannot fault the 14 days I spent on the trek with them. Your swags and bags were transported for you, so you only carried your day pack, which mostly contained lunch, nibbles and water, lots of it. They also do have great campsites set up for people who want a more comfortable trip and a couple of times we snuck into their campsite and used their lovely hot bush showers! 

A great trek and for anyone wanting to see the real Red Centre of Australia, a must.